😁Play Safe
Avoid player reports
It doesn't take a lot of player reports to get you shadow banned. So make sure you play as legitimately as possible. This means hide the fact that you see enemy's through walls especially when you have spectators. It's also very important to use the correct aimbot settings so enemy players or teammates will not notice that you are using an aimbot. Account level also plays a big role in player reports. If people see that you are running around with a level 20 account dropping 20+ Kills they are more likely to report you. So make sure to play according to your player level.
Can you use unlocks?
If you really care about your account you should not use any unlock feature. Unlocks should only be used on accounts you don't care about. That doesn't mean unlock is detected it's just way more risky to use this feature. Same applies to "rage" features such as vehicle fly etc.
Mentality of a long term Cheater
Although our cheats are undetected there is always risk of getting banned. If you are not willing to take that risk on your main account. Don't! Use an alt account for cheating .In my opinion cheating should be seen to have fun, win games and have a general more comfortable gaming experience. If you put thousands of dollars into your account you are afraid of loosing it, don't cheat! We will not replace or refund anything. This is the risk you take when you start cheating. Developing cheats is a constant battle against the game developers. At any point they can implement new detection methods. So be aware of that fact. I tell you what you need to hear not what you want to hear.
Last updated